Steam Boiler

Steam boiler is used for energy generation, hot water supply, heating, process heat requirements, and many other industrial applications. Boilers used to generate steam by applying heat energy to water are designed based on fuel types and operating pressures. 

Ekotek Heat Technology is a steam boiler manufacturer located in Turkey.

Steam Boiler

Taking into account the steam consumption needed for your business, Ekotek Heat Technologies manufactures boilers that produce steam for industrial processes ranging from 175 kg/h to 40,000 kg/h. Our steam boilers, which can be shaped according to your requirements, can burn liquid/gas, biogas, natural gas, diesel, biofuels, solid fuels, and can operate at 3 – 32 bar working pressures. Additionally, our products with dual fuel technology provide superior performance, operating with a boiler efficiency of 85% - 95% depending on the fuel type.

Our Industrial steam boilers are designed not to cause noise pollution with their quiet operation. They are noticeable in their environment with an elegant appearance. They are easy to install and maintain. Upon request, our steam boilers can be delivered as a package with all accessories included.

Steam Boiler Products

Our product series can be customized according to your needs. For details, review our products or contact us through the request form

Steam Boiler Technical Specifications

Series Steam Capacity Working Pressure Design Type Fuel Type Heat Capacity
Storm Series 175 kg/h - 32.000 kg/h 3 – 16 Bar Fire - Smoke Tube Scotch, Scotch Type, 3 Pass Liquefied Natural Gas, Propane, Compressed Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Biogas, Diesel Fuel, Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oil. 125.000 Kcal/h - 20.000.000 Kcal/h
Performance Series 200 kg/h - 4.000 kg/h 3 - 16 Bar Fire - Smoke Tube, Reverse Pressure, Type 2 Pass Liquefied Natural Gas, Propane, Compressed Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Biogas, Diesel Fuel, Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oil. 125.000 Kcal/h - 2.500.000 Kcal/h
Shield Series 400 kg/h - 16.000 kg/h 3 - 16 Bar Fire - Smoke Tube, 3 Pass Liquefied Natural Gas, Propane, Compressed Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Biogas, Diesel Fuel, Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oil. 250.000 Kcal/h - 10.000.000 Kcal/h
Strong Series 7000 kg/h - 40.000 kg/h 6 - 30 Bar Water Tube Liquefied Natural Gas, Propane, Compressed Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Biogas, Diesel Fuel, Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oil 4.500.000 Kcal/h - 25.000.000 Kcal/h
Grim Series 160 kg/h-5.600 kg/h 3 - 16 bar Fire - Smoke Tube Scotch, Scotch Type, 3 Pass Full Cylindrical Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk. 96.000 Kcal/h - 3.360.000 Kcal/h
Thunderbolt Series 160 kg/h - 3200 kg/h 3 – 16 Bar Fire - Smoke Tube, Half Cylindrical, 3 Pass Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk 96.000 Kcal/h - 1.920.000 Kcal/h
Hybrid Series 1.000 kg/h - 25.000 kg/h 3 – 25 Bar Fire - Smoke Tube, Water Tube, and Scotch Type, 5 Pass Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk 600.000 Kcal/h - 15.000.000 Kcal/h
Volcano Series 3.000 kg/h - 25.000 kg/h 3 – 16 bar Fire - Smoke Tube, Water Tube, and Scotch Type - Front Furnace, 3 Pass Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk 1.800.000 Kcal/h - 15.000.000 Kcal/h

Steam Boiler Models

We manufacture steam boiler models with a fully cylindrical design ranging from 10m² to 175m² and semi-cylindrical designs with heating surface areas between 5m² to 80m².

Our products include steam generators for liquid fuel, solid fuel, front-furnace coal-fired, full cylindrical, semi-cylindrical boilers, and more, catering to general needs. We produce these steam generator products as 100% Turkish-made in our own factory.

Steam Boiler Working Principle

A steam boiler is a thermal energy conversion device where water is transformed into steam by absorbing heat energy. The working principle of these boilers relies on the heating and vaporization of water. The step-by-step working principle of a steam boiler is as follows:

  1. Water Feed: Water is fed into the boiler.

  2. Heating: The heating surfaces beneath or within the boiler start to warm up using a heat source such as Solid Fuel Fired Steam Boilers or Liquid Gas Fired Steam Boilers. These heating surfaces can consist of pipes, plates, or other surfaces through which water passes from the inside or outside.

  3. Heat Transfer: These surfaces transfer heat to the water they are in contact with. This heat transfer leads to an increase in water temperature.

  4. Vaporization: With the rising water temperature, water molecules on the surface move faster, initiating vaporization. At this stage, the water needs to reach its boiling point.

  5. Steam Formation: The evaporating water separates from the surface, forming steam. The generated steam gathers above the water surface.

  6. Steam Collection: The produced steam collects in a collection chamber at the top of the boiler. It can be drawn out from this collection point to the outside of the boiler.

  7. Steam Usage: The generated steam is typically used for energy transfer.

  8. Water Circulation: For a continuous process, the water level inside the boiler is controlled, and water feed is replenished as needed. As long as the heat source continues, the heating and vaporization of water persist continually.

The design and types of steam boilers can vary, but the fundamental principle of heating water, vaporizing it, and using the resulting steam for energy transfer remains consistent across all steam boilers.

Steam Boiler Applications

Steam boilers are used in various industries and applications, including:

  1. Petrochemical Industry
  2. Electricity Generation in Thermal Power Plants (Steam Turbines)
  3. Pharmaceutical and Food Industry for Sterilization Purposes
  4. Construction Materials Industry
  5. Steam Heating Systems (Radiators)
  6. Refineries
  7. Chemical Processes
  8. Food Industry
  9. Sterilization (Packaging and Food)
  10. Fertilizer Industry
  11. Rubber Product Manufacturing
  12. Construction Materials Industry
  13. Paper Industry
  14. Vineyard and Winemaking
  15. Many more industrial sectors.

Steam Boiler Prices

Steam boiler prices are determined by various factors. Factors influencing steam boiler prices include:

  1. Capacity: The capacity of the steam boiler refers to how much steam it can produce. Higher-capacity boilers may generally be more expensive due to their larger size and the need for more materials.

  2. Design and Technology: The design and technology within the boiler can affect the price. Features that provide higher efficiency, lower energy consumption, and more sophisticated control systems can increase the price.

  3. Material Quality: The quality and durability of the materials used can also impact the price. Using materials resistant to high-pressure and temperature conditions can increase the cost.

  4. Manufacturer and Brand: Products from reputable and well-known brands might have higher prices. Manufacturers that offer quality service, warranties, and customer support can also affect prices.

  5. Accessories and Additional Features: Accessories, spare parts, and additional features that come with the boiler can influence the price.

  6. Certification and Standards: Steam boilers need to adhere to specific industry standards and safety certifications. The cost of obtaining such certifications can impact the boiler's price.

When all these factors are combined, the price of steam boilers can vary significantly.

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