Superheated Water Boiler

Hot water boilers are important heating devices used to meet heating and energy needs in industrial and commercial areas. These boilers produce hot water by heating water at high temperatures and enable this hot water to be used in different processes.

Superheated Water Boiler

Hot water boilers can be found in many models with different designs and capacities. They can be divided into categories such as low-pressure hot water boilers and high-pressure hot water boilers. Models designed horizontally or vertically can be selected according to space optimization. Also, depending on the type of fuel, they are divided into solid fuel hot water boilers or liquid-gas fuel hot water boilers.

Superheated Water Boiler Products

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Hot Water Boiler Working Principle:

The working principle of hot water boilers consists of the following steps:

  1. Fuel Supply: The boiler is fed with solid fuel or liquid-gas fuel.
  2. Combustion: The high-temperature gases produced as a result of the combustion of the fuel are directed to the heat transfer surfaces of the boiler.
  3. Water Heat Transfer: The water around the heat transfer surfaces of the boiler heats up by contacting the hot gases.
  4. Hot Water Production: The heated water turns into hot water and collects in the upper part of the boiler.
  5. Usage: The produced hot water is directed to systems that require energy transfer.

Hot Water Boiler Usage Areas

Hot water boilers have a wide range of usage areas:

  • Industrial Facilities: It is used for process heating in many sectors such as chemistry, food, textiles, paper.
  • Heating Systems: It is used for heating large buildings or for heating purposes in large facilities.
  • Energy Production: Hot water can be used as a precursor stage for steam production.

Hot Water Boiler Prices

The prices of hot water boilers can vary depending on various factors:

  • Capacity: The amount of hot water the boiler can produce affects the price.
  • Technology and Efficiency: Models that offer higher efficiency and have newer technology can generally be more expensive.
  • Material Quality: The use of quality materials affects the durability and price of the boiler.
  • Manufacturer and Brand: Products of reliable brands usually come with higher prices.
  • Accessories: Accessories such as additional features, automation systems can also affect the price.
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