Steam Generator

Steam generators are used as a powerful and efficient energy source in the industrial sector. These devices, which heat water and convert it into steam, can be used in heating systems, chemical processes, food processing, and many other areas. Steam generators can operate with different fuel types such as electricity, diesel, and natural gas, and can be manufactured in various capacities.

Steam Generator

Ekotek steam generators offer comfortable and high-efficiency combustion performance with low back pressure values. With its 3-pass design, the flame and smoke are in contact with the entire combustion surface, ensuring the most efficient use of the combustion surface.

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Steam Generator Working Principle and Structure

Steam generators are essential energy sources widely used in industry. Their basic working principle is to heat water and convert it into steam. This steam can then be used in various industrial processes and applications.

Working Principle:

Steam generators typically operate through the following steps:

  1. Water Supply: Clean water is supplied to the generator. This water is usually sent to the boiler section through a pump or feed system.
  2. Heating: The water inside the boiler is heated by a heat source. This heat source is usually the combustion of fuel (natural gas, fuel oil, coal, etc.) or electrical energy. In some models, such as Ekotek steam generators, a 3-pass design is used to ensure that the flame and smoke come into contact with the entire combustion surface for high-efficiency combustion.
  3. Steam Formation: As the water heats up, it reaches its boiling point and begins to evaporate.
  4. Steam Separation: The generated steam is separated from the remaining water in the boiler. This is usually done using steam separators or steam drums.
  5. Steam Distribution: The separated steam is then directed and sent to the area of use through pipes or a steam distribution system.

Main Components:

The main components of a steam generator include:

  • Boiler: The boiler is a chamber where water is heated and steam is produced. It is usually made of steel or other heat-resistant materials.
  • Steam Production Unit: This unit is responsible for directing and controlling the flow of steam. It may include valves, pipes, and other components.
  • Control Systems: These systems monitor and control various parameters of the steam generator, such as temperature, pressure, and water level. They ensure safe and efficient operation.
  • Fuel Supply System: If the generator uses fuel combustion for heating, this system supplies the fuel to the burner.
  • Safety Equipment: Safety devices such as pressure relief valves, safety valves, and low water level alarms are essential for preventing accidents and ensuring safe operation.
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