Steam Boiler With Stoker

Steam Boiler With Stoker is a type of heating system that enables the transportation of solid fuels (usually coal or biomass) to the combustion chamber through a mechanical system. This system provides fuel automatically and regularly without the need for manual loading of fuel, thereby increasing efficiency and ease of use.

Steam Boiler With Stoker

Advantages of Stoker-Fired Steam Boilers

  • Energy Efficiency: The automatic fuel feeding system allows for more controlled and efficient combustion.
  • Easy to Use: Provides operational ease as it does not require manual fuel loading.
  • Environmental Impact: When properly adjusted, it produces fewer emissions and reduces environmental impact.

Steam Boiler With Stoker Products

Our product series can be customized according to your needs. For details, review our products or contact us through the request form

Steam Boiler With Stoker Technical Specifications

Series Steam Capacity Working Pressure Design Type Fuel Type Heat Capacity
Strong Series 7000 kg/h - 40.000 kg/h 6 - 30 Bar Water Tube Liquefied Natural Gas, Propane, Compressed Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Biogas, Diesel Fuel, Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oil 4.500.000 Kcal/h - 25.000.000 Kcal/h
Grim Series 160 kg/h-5.600 kg/h 3 - 16 bar Fire - Smoke Tube Scotch, Scotch Type, 3 Pass Full Cylindrical Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk. 96.000 Kcal/h - 3.360.000 Kcal/h
Thunderbolt Series 160 kg/h - 3200 kg/h 3 – 16 Bar Fire - Smoke Tube, Half Cylindrical, 3 Pass Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk 96.000 Kcal/h - 1.920.000 Kcal/h
Hybrid Series 1.000 kg/h - 25.000 kg/h 3 – 25 Bar Fire - Smoke Tube, Water Tube, and Scotch Type, 5 Pass Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk 600.000 Kcal/h - 15.000.000 Kcal/h
Volcano Series 3.000 kg/h - 25.000 kg/h 3 – 16 bar Fire - Smoke Tube, Water Tube, and Scotch Type - Front Furnace, 3 Pass Lignite Coal, Bituminous Coal, Powdered Coal, Pellet, Prina, Olive Kernel, Wood, Wood Chips, Wood Powder, Wood Shavings, Plywood Waste, Chipboard Parts, Hazelnut Shell, Cherry Seed, Walnut Shell, Straw, Sunflower, Compressed Bio Pellets, Pellet, Pistachio Shell, Almond Shell, Fruit Pomace, Chicken Manure, Rice Husk 1.800.000 Kcal/h - 15.000.000 Kcal/h
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