Solid Fuel Hot Oil Boiler

Solid Fuel Fired Hot Oil Boilers are a type of heating equipment used to meet heating, energy production, and process heat requirements in industrial facilities or large buildings. These boilers produce high-temperature heat using solid fuels (typically wood, coal, wood chips, etc.) and store this heat in hot oil. The heat thus generated is then transferred to the systems within the facility.

Solid Fuel Hot Oil Boiler

Solid fuel fired hot oil boilers provide an efficient and flexible solution for meeting energy production and industrial heating needs.

Solid Fuel Hot Oil Boiler Products

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Working Principle of Solid Fuel Fired Hot Oil Boiler

  1. Fuel Feeding: Solid fuel (such as wood or coal) is introduced into the boiler manually or through automatic feeding systems. These fuels are placed in the combustion chamber of the boiler.

  2. Combustion Chamber: The fuel placed in the combustion chamber comes into contact with oxygen and undergoes combustion. This combustion process generates high temperatures and energy.

  3. Heat Transfer: High-temperature gases produced during combustion pass through pipes circulating within the hot oil. The hot oil absorbs and carries the heat from these gases.

  4. Heat Storage and Distribution: The thermal oil present within the hot oil boiler stores the absorbed heat while maintaining its high temperature. This hot oil is then transferred to systems or processes within the facility. Heat transfer often occurs through heat exchangers or steam generation systems.

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